the concept of love and soulmates are so maligned and are mere comic fodder like how many times do you see cutesy catchphrases like "don't date just get a cat or dog it's easier" but a dog can't share chips with u and tell you that you look sexy in a dress.
love is considered some cheesy romantic notion to be put down and mocked w sarcasm and cynicism, something only for the deluded. bc individualism is the ultimate good and to rely on anybody else is WeAk aNd it's a pOstMoDeRn soCiety and you doN't neEd anYbody elSe yOu can suRvive alOne and just suPpress your lonelinEss blaabalaa blablaba
but i do tbh i need and want it and appreciate and value it.
i might be dumb but love makes me happy :p